Reconciliation after 253 Years
Video Installation on Wall
210 x 297 cm
253 Seconds, Black and White, Sound, Played on Seemless Loop
Edition of 3
Reconciliation after 253 Years
The video was made in January 2008, 2 weeks after Benezir Bhutto was assassinated. It seemed like Benezir Bhutto, after her death, turned into an angel. The city was filled with her glorious images in the form of billboards, flyers, posters, homage articles, books etc. The video makes use of series of manipulated variations of the single poster of Benezir Bhutto, found in Karachi’s market. I took the poster and photocopied it hundreds of times till the image lost its all details and the image became just a piece of white surface. The video shows the slowly emerging image of Bhutto from sand like looking form. The title of the video is taken from Benezir Bhutto’s autobiographical book, “Reconciliation with Democracy, West and Islam”.
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